Florida Wine Academy in Orlando Wine Blog
Five Great Places to Wine in Miami
Building Community Around Wine
The evolution in Miami’s wine scene got an extra boost two years ago with the opening of the Florida Wine Academy downtown. Brazilian transplant Alessandra Esteves put her WSET Diploma certification and her extensive wine knowledge to work, offering certification courses in two languages, as well as special tastings, classes, and events like the second annual Miami Champagne Week that’s coming up in October.
These events are bringing Miami’s wine community together in a way that hadn’t happened before, Abaco sommelier Henry Brimo told me. They’re also building consumer excitement around wine, which should mean more demand for wine businesses that go beyond the safe choices.
That’s good news for Miami oenophiles and for visitors looking for a fun and wine-filled weekend getaway.
Thank you Judith Smelser! Read the full article here: https://orlandowineblog.com/2018/08/26/five-great-places-to-wine-in-miami/